Monday, 2 January 2017

Correcting logical fallacy in math

Correcting logical fallacy in the math of opposite numbers in the sections of multiplication and division.

Multiplication fallacy :
3(-4)= -12 that is the known way of solving it, and it's false.
this is the correct answer:
3(-4)= -4+4+4+4=8 

-3(-4)=12 again false.
 this is the correct answer:

The positive three gave the four a command to become positive three times and not three times negative, because it's not a negative three, the first positive four it received brought it to zero and the rest of the two fours to eight.
The positive can never give a negative command, it only gives positive commands, the same goes for the negative. They never work for each other, they work against each other, remember they're opposite to each other, each one is recruiting the other towards his side, the negative indebt and the positive payoffs. If they work for each other equilibrium will collapse.

Example: An elevator has a code that brings it up(positive) and another that brings it down(negative). The code that brings it up can never command the elevator to go down and vise versa.

Negative numbers are indebted numbers, so how can a positive number make them more indebted and indebted numbers make them wealthy?!

How can -3(-4) become a positive 12 ?can three empty cups fill 12 empty cups?

( - x -=+) or (-/-=+) are false theories, what are they built on?Magic or logic?

Multiplying positive numbers with positive numbers duplicates them upwards in the positive chain, multiplying negative with negative duplicates them downward in the negative chain.

Another fact is that 3(-4) is not equal to -4(3). because 3(-4)=8 and -4(3)=-9. Negative four multiplied the positive three four times negatively bringing it to -9.

When signs interact in their opposite worlds they react opposite to that world. 3(-4) is positive reacting in it's opposite world and -4(3) is negative reacting in it's opposite world.

Zero split the infinite numbers into two infinities, positive and negative / two maths( -math and +math). The zero represents death, rebirth, end, beginning, reset, bridge, ground..etc
The positive side represents live, present, future, availability, reality, benefit, blessings, existence, upward, forward, gain, advantage, profit...etc. The negative side represents the opposite.

Numbers are representatives and math is the tool  that we use to count and construct, dismantle and analyze our surroundings the seen and the unseen, the far and the near and numbers have proved that they are the foundations that this universe is built on, so our math must be equal to the logic of our surroundings. By giving it the same attributes. So we have to give negative and positive numbers the same characteristics of the negatives and the positives of our world. When we say life is positive we are saying that death is negative and when we say cold is negative we are saying that warm is positive and so on. Therefore positives numbers are real numbers/life numbers, and negative numbers are unreal and dead.        

Division fallacy :

First I need to explain something about division. In any equation there is the effecter and the effected, the effecter in division is the divider and the effected is the divided. Division is dividing a number by another number. The word (by) means (using), like saying cut the cake by knife, there is another word is used in division is(into) and there is (onto) or (between) like saying divide 12 apples between 4 people. Now (by) and (into)  are similar but (onto) and (between) are different because your not just dividing them you are adding them to the divider and that's a big difference in math because the effecter which is the divider will become both effecter and effected, it will  receive too and not just divide and receiving means addition. So division is not just dividing it can be adding too. 

E.g. 12/-2. If we are dividing using the word (by) which means just dividing without taking than the answer can only be positive six because if you are dividing 12 lives between two deaths, each death will take six lives and not six deaths.and because they are two deaths each death will only take one life and leave 5, so the two deaths will take 2 lives from the twelve and leave 10. Therefore 12/-2= -2+12=10 if we said -6 was the answer, than -2 would receive a -12 and -12+(-2)=-14 and that's not equal to the addition of the equation. Thus negative six is a wrong answer. Two deaths can not kill 12. In practical life we cant notice this mathematical mistake because we are dealing with seen things like objects or debts but in math it's a disaster in many fields of science especially when dealing with theories and complex equations and what we can't touch or see like waves, radiation, quantum, energy, medicines...etc     

More examples:

12/-4=-3 that is the known way of solving it, and it's false.
this is the right answer:
Positive can only give positive, it can't give negative because it does not have any. So +12 gave evenly three positives to each negative of the negative four (-1+3=2(4)=8) and to make sure we add the equation -4+12=8. The sums are equal therefore the answer is right.

The lost digit is the digit that eliminated the negative of -4.

The sum of the division is equal to the sum of the equation so the solution is right.
If -3 was the solution, the sum of the division would be -16 and that's not even near right
Division between negatives:

Division between positives:

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