Tuesday 5 April 2016

Answering Atheist

  1. These are answers to 7 questions I picked from an Atheist site called  ethical atheist, this is the link to the question Questions for God .. 

1. Why don’t you show yourself?  You supposedly made us and want us to believe in you, right?  Why the big mystery?  You’re also omnipresent, right?  Why don’t you show yourself to all of us at once and have a personal discussion with us?  You can pick the date and time, we’ll all stop what we are doing, I’m sure.

  1. My answer
God put  mankind to a test, he made evil and good and gave us the ability to tell them apart, who believes in him and obeys the commands he sent and does good his reward will be paradise, and who denies him and disobeys him,  he will be cast in to hell, even believing and doing evil you will enter hell. Why the test?The world is a filter, God wants to filter out the best from the worst. The precise he puts in paradise and the worst he burns(like we burn the trash) or like filtering gold from dust, it's the lost stage of the human creation  why he dose not show him self? it would not be a test if the answer is shown, and so that his test wont stop, like you said  we’ll all stop what we are doing, I’m sure.

2.  Why do you let your followers murder and rape us?  Why do you let your Catholic priests sodomise our precious children?  I think it’s safe to say that we really don’t like this.  Isn’t your Catholic hierarchy hand chosen by you from the top down?  Are you afraid to admit to making a mistake in your choices?  Can you please admit the mistake and let our children grow up in a normal, ethical and safe environment?

  1. My answer
Those who do such things are not servants of god, but of the devil, and hell is their doom, and god dose not chose Catholic hierarchy, if they say so, then their lying. God only chose prophets. Ethical and safe environment exists in some places and in some it doesn't, this is part of the test, evil and good will coexist in this world, they will depart only in paradise and hell. 

3. Did you really make Eve from one of Adam’s ribs?  Why didn’t you make her from dust just like Adam?  And, why do men and women have the same number of ribs if you stole one from Adam to make Eve? 

  1. My answer
Yes he did. Why he didn't make her from dust? God did not say, but logic says that he perfected creation he made a man from dust and then made a woman from a man (Eve) and then made men and women from men and women and made man from a woman (Jesus) and so he made humans from each other in four ways, we are all from Adam, we are all connected. As for the ribs, if a man was missing a rib or a bone, do his children come out missing the same bone or rib. Adam alone is missing a rib that god took, not stole (can you steal from what you own?)