More than two third of the world are poor, and that's perfect for the other few.
Those few are sucking you dry.They are the Gods and you are their worshipers, Movie stars, football stars, basketball stars TV stars, websites owners... etc
The poor are the source of the wealth of those few, they are the fluid, but the fluid is drying, because the wealthy are exchanging the big money amongst each other, and not sharing it with the poor. That's not smart. Money should circulate widely. The poor are partners and have a share in this wealth. They are the main reason of that massive wealth.
We will take the US for example if Wall Street, Hollywood, Facebook, Google, Microsoft...etc gave a quarter of what they made annually back to the poor families, not a charity, but real money, a 100 thousand for each poor home. Poverty would not have reached 95%. Those people can make more than a thousand American families wealthy. each month, each family get's one million dollars, that's one billion, it's nothing, a thousand family, is about six to eight thousand family members, maybe more, This circulation is good for the wealthy too, because it refreshes the market and the spirit of the poor people. the money will come back to them, eventually. It's like a big roulette, only They are all profiting, and the contest will be for those who will want to get back more than what they gave, you will gain more money, and more love and respect, and you will feel that you gave to your world life. You lived the negative world, try the positive.
That's if you want a batter world, to enjoy your wealth in it, this world is negative, depressed and very angry. and hates you. Poverty is the mother of all wars.
That's why people say richness doesn't bring happiness, the reason is the seven deadly sins. wealth without faith, kills the soul and brings the wrath of the almighty. You know the symptoms.
Charity cleanse you.
Be careful, if your rich and lucky it doesn't mean that god loves you, it's just a test, God gives to some and takes from some and doesn't give some, to test their faith, and will they do good or evil. All men are equal in the eyes of god, god dose not look at your looks and status, he looks at your hearts and actions.
But if your planning on shipping your wealth to the hereafter, That's something else !
It's in your hand, Please god and he will bless you and your families, and your wealth.
Dirty money is not included, it can never be blessed, like blood money, stolen, or gambling money or money gained from prostitution and interest.
The US government takes tax from her poor citizens!!
That's if you want a batter world, to enjoy your wealth in it, this world is negative, depressed and very angry. and hates you. Poverty is the mother of all wars.
That's why people say richness doesn't bring happiness, the reason is the seven deadly sins. wealth without faith, kills the soul and brings the wrath of the almighty. You know the symptoms.
Charity cleanse you.
Be careful, if your rich and lucky it doesn't mean that god loves you, it's just a test, God gives to some and takes from some and doesn't give some, to test their faith, and will they do good or evil. All men are equal in the eyes of god, god dose not look at your looks and status, he looks at your hearts and actions.
But if your planning on shipping your wealth to the hereafter, That's something else !
It's in your hand, Please god and he will bless you and your families, and your wealth.
Dirty money is not included, it can never be blessed, like blood money, stolen, or gambling money or money gained from prostitution and interest.
The US government takes tax from her poor citizens!!
rich government should give to the poor, and help them get wealthy,
This is a very great error. Very bad for economy and society.
How can one person make a million a day, and another can't buy his food.? This is unjust and a crime, especially those who are making millions by the hour from stupid things like playing or acting or singing.
The worst fall, is the fall from greatness to the depths of hell, for ever. And death is on the clock. tick tock, tick tock